PILL PRO Pills Organizer 7 Day Weekly Tablet Medicine Storage Box

Code: C-359

2.900 K.D

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Pill Pro lets you conveniently organize your medicine and vitamins for each day of the week. Inside the Pill Pro are 7 portable trays, one for every day of the week. Plus, each day of the week is clearly marked and has four compartments for separating pills or organizing them by time of day. When you pull the day's tray out of the bottom of the Pill Pro, the next tray slides down into place. Simply refill Pill Pro by removing the top. 5 Compartments in each tray Morning, Noon, Evening, Bed . 7 Portable trays conveniently stack on top of each other.Package Included: 1 x Pill Pro Organizer. Each tray is removable - never leave your pills behind. Pill Pro is a 7 day pill organizer. Slide out the bottom tray and the next day automatically drops down 4 Compartments in each tray. Great way to take your medication while on the go.

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